read-only bookmarks

Felix Dorner fdorner at
Sun Jun 19 16:48:03 CDT 2011


I'd like to use bookmarks to mark specific versions of our code. I'd
like to set the bookmark once and then lock it down somehow. Never
ever anyone should update the bookmark to point to a different
revision. Of course I cannot control what people do in their clones,
but at least in our official repository I'd like to have a
set-and-lock mechanism. Why not use tags? I simply don't like that 10%
of all our commits are "create tag xyz". I guess I need to write a
hook that implements "Reject all pushes that modify the pointer of an
existing bookmark whose name matches (bm-lock-*). Of course, it should
also be hard for people to update/modify these bookmarks in their
clones. If I create say, 30 bookmarks of that kind every week, would
that still work fine after a year? 3 years? Maybe I should simply use
some other mechanism, a text file, something outside mercurial, and
build some tool around it.. Anyone has some experience to share here?


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