Changeset Evolution Talk at FOSDEM 2013

anatoly techtonik techtonik at
Wed Nov 20 06:07:43 CST 2013

I am watching "Changesets Evolution with Mercurial" talk
by Pierre-Yves David @ FOSDEM 2013. Thanks for making
the presentation for it. Otherwise it is hard to read

I had troubles locating slides and video on one page, so I
post them here for future reference:


It would be nice to see the slides on slideshare. It allows to
search similar topics, so the presentation is much more likely
to be found by others.

I don't know if it is possible to fix FOSDEM page, which doesn't
have these links:
Even though it is said that all videos are uploaded:

Unfortunately, video is not of the best quality, but slides are
good. I'd say that audio recording is below average, so people
without good spoken English will have troubles. A transcript
would make it even better. Anyway, thanks for the talk.
anatoly t.

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