hg fold is not intuitive

Harvey Chapman hchapman-hg at 3gfp.com
Fri Nov 22 10:33:31 CST 2013

On Nov 22, 2013, at 1:41 AM, anatoly techtonik <techtonik at gmail.com> wrote:

> Mercurial 2.8 Windows.
Mercurial Distributed SCM (version 2.8)  # Ubuntu

> mutable-history o  changeset:   754:671c8bcdcd20
> |  user:        Pierre-Yves David <pierre-yves.david at ens-lyon.org>
> |  date:        Fri Nov 15 21:53:22 2013 -0500
> |  Added tag 3.2.0 for changeset c3ba8a965a7a

$ hg -R ../mutable-history id
dcda64966616 (stable)
$ hg -R ../mutable-history log -l 1 -r stable
changeset:   739:dcda64966616
branch:      stable
user:        Greg Ward <greg at gerg.ca>
date:        Sat Aug 10 17:30:44 2013 -0400
summary:     README: polish the language so it reads better

> Cool it 'hg --version -v' showed versions of all extensions by inspecting
> their __version__ field.

Huh, mine doesn’t do this.

I ran these commands on your draft repo and they worked without issue.

   cd blockdiag_interactive_shell\[1-draft\]/
   hg fold -r bce73b522aba:43185a19a6fe
   hg gl —hidden

   @  changeset:   190:c339f50bbc7d tip   draft
   |               fold 186:189
   | x  changeset:   189:43185a19a6fe    draft
   | |               Try alternative design on blockdiag.html page:
   | x  changeset:   188:09ff01b1d972    draft
   | |               readme: it is blockdiag, not blogdiag
   | x  changeset:   187:56687f8dd2d5    draft
   | |               readme: Try to make link clickable.
   | x  changeset:   186:bce73b522aba    draft
   |/                Add readme with pointer to the site
   o  changeset:   185:bc342dc49d41    public
   |               Migrate app to High Replication Datastore

One thing I should note is that all of your repos are missing changeset dfe66ec9d2b2 which was in your recent example. More generally, all of your examples contained history before and after the changesets to be folded. I added a changeset and re-ran the same test above on pristine:

  cd ../blockdiag_interactive_shell\[pristine\]/
  echo blah >> app.ini ; hg ci -m "Another changeset"
  hg phase -df -r bce73b522aba:43185a19a6fe
  hg fold -r bce73b522aba:43185a19a6fe
  hg evolve --any
  hg gl --hidden

   @  changeset:   192:bb8d94b99476 tip   draft
   |               Another changeset
   o  changeset:   191:472e167144e4    draft
   |               fold 186:189
   | x  changeset:   190:346a80e642b1    draft
   | |               Another changeset
   | x  changeset:   189:43185a19a6fe    draft
   | |               Try alternative design on blockdiag.html page:
   | x  changeset:   188:09ff01b1d972    draft
   | |               readme: it is blockdiag, not blogdiag
   | x  changeset:   187:56687f8dd2d5    draft
   | |               readme: Try to make link clickable.
   | x  changeset:   186:bce73b522aba    draft
   |/                Add readme with pointer to the site
   o  changeset:   185:bc342dc49d41    public
   |               Migrate app to High Replication Datastore

So, perhaps it’s a bug in the windows version?

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