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Changeset Evolution - Vocabulary

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This pages gather data from discussion about the named use within the ChangesetEvolution concept.


"troubled" changeset and troubles

|| Changeset adjective | Concept name || pro | con | status | || troubled | Troubles || | | in use | || conflicted | conflicts? || | | | || invalid | ? || | | | || unevolved | unevolution? || | | | || dirty | dirtiness? || | | |

"unstable" changeset and "instability"

|| Changeset adjective | Concept name || pro | con | status | || bumped | bumping || | | in use | || invalidated | invalidation?|| | | | || behind | ? || | | | || superseded | ? || | | | || lagging | lagginess? || | | | || obviated | ? || | | |

"Bumped" changeset and "bumping"

|| Changeset adjective | Concept name || pro | con | status | || unstable | instability || | | in use | || unsettled | ? || | | | || uprooted | ? || | | |

"divergent" changeset and "divergence"

|| Changeset adjective | Concept name || pro | con | status | || divergence | divergence || | | in use | || Duplicated | duplication || | | |

Obsolescence graph


|| Noun | verb || pro | con | status | || Successor | supersede || | | in use | || Successor | suceed || | | in use | || replacement | replace || | | | || next | ? || | | |


|| Noun | verb || pro | con | status | || precursor | precede? || | | in use | || original | ? || | | | || predecessor | precede || | | | || progenitor | ? || | | | || previous | ? || | | | || prior | ? || | | | || antecedent | ? || | | |

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