
这是确保当前维基所有文章的风格保持一致性的重要手册! 所有进行翻译的同学们,一定要认真理解!

1. 文章命名和链接规约

文章命名必须吻合 WikiCamelCase 维基驼峰式 以便编辑和读者不用专门识别文章非语义的内容, 以下是一些示例:

通常使用单数形,比复数式,要靠谱,例如: SubrepositorySubrepositories 要好.

标题应该用 '图书式大书':



链接到一个即有页面,应该使用维基语法将标题文字作为链接给出(而不是直接使用 WikiName 格式的页面名):

  [[InformationForDevelepers|information for developers]]


1.1. 重命名页面s



2. 通用格式


#pragma section-numbers 2
##头部 #引出的一般是维基格式化声明,一般不用改动;

= 页面标题 =


## 标题索引块

== 章节 1 ==

章节 1 正文.

== 小节 2 ==

小节 2 正文.

CategoryA CategoryB
## 分类A/B

<!> 每次创建新页面时选择 NewPageTemplate 来使用这一模板.


= 页面标题 =


CategoryA CategoryStub

<!> 请确定的将所有页面都加入到合适的分类中.

2.1. 开发计划和其它特殊页面


<!> This page is intended for developers.

<!> This page is intended for developers.

同理, 如果内容还没有通过审批,应该紧跟其后注明:

<!> This is a proposed feature, last updated Oct 2010.

Be sure to link to CategoryDeveloper and CategoryNewFeatures as appropriate. 并对这类页面缀上 CategoryDeveloper 开发分类CategoryNewFeatures 特性分类

3. 内容约定


3.1. 版本数字

Versions of Mercurial younger than one year (ie three major releases) are considered new, and references to their features should include a version number. Such reference should eventually be dropped.

3.2. Jargon

See Mercurial's built-in glossary for accepted terminology for common Mercurial concepts.

3.3. Linking to builtin help

Links to command help should use interwiki links like this:

help on annotate

[[Cmd:annotate|help on annotate]]

Similarly, links to built-in help topics should look like this:

help on revsets

[[Topic:revsets|help on revsets]]

3.4. Emphasis

Generally, use italics for normal emphasis rather than bold. Bold may be useful for diagnostic check-points to help our more patience-impaired users.

3.5. Referring to commands

Commands should generally be described as a sequence of operations and their typical output in a preformatted block:

$ hg init
$ hg add foo
foo: No such file or directory

When referring to commands inline (eg 'hg revert -a'), use quoted monospace:

'`hg revert -a`'

3.6. Referring to configuration files and other files

Files (eg .hg/hgrc) should be referred to using monospace italic:


3.7. Describing changeset graphs and other diagrams

The Mercurial wiki has a built-in facility for drawing arbitrary graphs:

3.8. Discussion

Questions or discussion about content should be moved to a subpage named Talk, eg WikiStyleGuide/Talk, though generally such discussion is even better directed to the mailing lists or IRC.

3.9. Icons

We use some of Moin's icons regularly:

(in general, use of Moin's actual smiley icons should be avoided)

3.10. Other

By default, you should consider Wikipedia's Manual of Style for resolving other fine points of style. If a point is encountered often enough in our wiki, consider adding a section for it here.

4. Mercurial naming conventions

5. Section headings

6. "See also" sections

If a page wants to include a list of other relevant pages, it should use a "See also" section. This should be a second level header containing a list of other pages as the last section on the page:


== See also ==

 * WikiStyleGuide - how to style wiki pages
 * WikiCleanup - strategy for improving wiki content


7. Useful categories

8. Translating pages

<!> Do not add original content in non-English languages, we can not check it for accuracy

Translated pages should prefix the original page name with the English name of the target translation language. For instance, Tutorial should become FrenchTutorial for a French translation. Please add the iso-639-1 language code on top of the page (see HelpOnLanguages). For example, on a page written in French add

#language fr

on the first line of the wiki text of the page. Translated pages should not add themselves to the English category pages, they should instead create their own parallel category pages.

Translations should be linked from the original page via a list below the category list:

Français, 日本語

[[FrenchWikiStyleGuide|Français]], [[JapaneseWikiStyleGuide|日本語]]

Translations should also include a a similar link back to original English page, which may be more current.

{i} Translators should consider using the 'Subscribe' action to track changes to the original page and keep their translations updated.

9. Home pages

Home pages for wiki editors should:

They should not:

10. See also

Other Languages: ,En

CategoryWiki CategoryChinese

ChineseWikiStyleGuide (last edited 2010-12-29 08:27:26 by ZoomQuiet)