Problem: on large repos, it would be useful to be able to do a partial clone and/or checkout

Proposal: add a new file like .hgignore to the .hg/ directory that specifies which files should be ignored for clone/checkout.

Issue105 in the BTS covers partial checkouts and suggests using -X/-I on clone or checkout.

To implement:

Not to be confused with TrimmingHistory, which trims in the history tree, not the directory tree.

Comments from Matt Mackall:

> > How hard would this be to implement?

On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd rate it about a 7.

The simplest approach is probably "allow cloning of subdirectories". Here's how that would work:

Merging is the tricky part, and I expect there's a gotcha or two buried in there.

RyanF: I would also like to see a filtering option or partial clone, but with support for the include and exclude (-I, -X). We are writing an open source Mavenesque (but much simpler) tool that manages very large products and dependencies involving multiple repositories. It requires a Dependencies.lookup in the root of any repos module but it does not seem possible for us to checkout a single file with hg.

It would be fine for our needs if an interim solution checked out the subset of files in a read-only mode.

trisk: ConvertExtension appears to already provide the ability to perform partial clones by generating a new full repository, as described under "Converting from Mercurial".

jasonrohrer: Unfortunately, ConvertExtension doesn't really create a clone, since it doesn't remember where the repository came from. So after the convert, you cannot pull or push back to the source of the clone. Great for creating new subdir repositories that will operate in isolation from the source, but not for creating subdirs that actually work with the other, full repositories. Thus, I'd say:

(Though I might be missing something!)
