There are two approaches to converting from Visual SourceSafe to Mercurial. I recommend the multi hop approach since it uses more mature tools.

Multi Hop Approach (vss -> svn -> hg)

Follow the directions on the vss2svn-page to convert from Visual SourceSafe to Subversion. Then convert the Subversion repository to Mercurial.

Direct Approach (vss -> hg)

WARNING: The vss2svn script has evolved a lot since the vss2hg script forked and is now using the ssphys package to extract data from Visual !Source-Safe instead of the ss.exe solution that vss2hg is using (as of 1.03).

The vss2hg perl script converts a Visual SourceSafe project directly to a Mercurial repository and it is available from this page:

Please note that version 1.03 of this script is severely lacking when it comes to non-ascii file names and Visual Source Safe installations with non-us regional settings.. These issues have been fixed in vss2svn.

Attached is the 1.04 version with some fixes for running under Windows and a fix for a SourceSafe directory name length of 1. It has been tested with Windows 2003 server, SourcSafe 2005, and ActivePerl 5.10.1